Simple Procedures For Using Cloves To Treat Infection (Twi Names: Pepre, Dadoa Amba)
One of the most popular spices in the market and your kitchen can be used to treat an illness.
Do you know that you may use cloves to treat any ailment in your body in addition to using them to enhance the flavor of your food?
A sort of spice called clove is used in the kitchen to improve the flavor and scent of meals. In addition, it contains some therapeutic qualities that are applied to cure infections.
Let me now demonstrate a simple method for treating reproductive system infections using clove water.
One might wonder how we get these illnesses.
Common methods include using public restrooms and having poor personal hygiene.
Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to make clove water properly.
1. Two to three tablespoons of cloves are required. It is available at the market or any nearby food store.
2. 500 milliliters of warm water are needed. Use one sachet of water as an example because it is a good one.
3. After washing the cloves in room-temperature water, place them in a lidded bottle.
The water will turn a deep brown after 12 to 24 hours, as depicted in the diagram below. It indicates that the remedy is fit for consumption.
Using instructions.
1. Consume half a cup twice daily. Please eat it before breakfast in the morning and before bed in the evening.
2. After your period, take it continuously for five days, then take a break for two weeks before taking it again. After this treatment, any infection in the reproductive system will go.
Note: Before and after this treatment, see your doctor.